Thursday 7 July 2011


Here we go with yet another film review however I am hopeful that this review will lead me to write several posts not so movie centred. The film of which I am writing about is one that I knew little about before being introduced to it and, as far as I am aware, is not a widely known film.

Chloe is an odd and strangely paced film, starting off as a seemingly simple story emulating real life scenarios we are invited into the lives of a well off American family. However there is trouble between the parents (Liam Neeson and Julian Moore). Not turning up for a surprise party due to a missed flight Neeson’s character is not in his wife’s good books and dips further when she finds a suggestive text message from one of his students (he lectures music). The plot then thickens when she decides to test weather he could be tempted by hiring a high class prostitute (Amanda Seyfried) to work her magic at seducing him. She meets several times with the escort who indulges in telling detailed stories of their encounters which end up arousing Moore more than angering her. Eventually Moore and Seyfried end up in a short but well done sex scene that is undeniably erotic. The end of this film isn’t the greatest ever and of some of the twists they are Dallas worthy (don’t worry it wasn’t all a dream)

What is important in this film (as with most films) is not what can be seen, or the basic story (those these are extremely important and can make or brake a film) it is what is said that matters and this movie speaks like a social psychologists with five degrees an over indulgence of pop knowledge and verbal diarrhoea. It comments on love, trust, sex, temptation, struggles of work, marriage, and children, the suspicious nature of people, importance of communication and a good sex life. It covers a lot. In my personal opinion some of the suggested views we should take are at time misleading or not particularly great. However this is definitely a film to watch. It has several levels, and even without them is a well filmed, and extremely well acted erotic thriller. 

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