Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Individual And The Other

If someone is to accept themselves as an individual, as a separate being of their own control, how do they react to others who do not view themselves as such? The answer is simple, in no way differently, it is not the place of the Individual to shun other who is different or to enforce their views, to do such would be hypocrisy. That is not to say they should be afraid to explain their position or to disagree with someone else, merely that an Individual should respect others as Individuals even if they do not consider themselves in the same way. And what of accepted Individuals to one another? Why should that be any different, the truth and heart of this perspective is to perceive all people including the self as an individual. Everyone should be welcomed and seen as a unique person, no judgement may be made until post experience.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Individual and The Self

The Individual, the concept of the self seperate from all other things, is a difficult idea. We live in a world that puts us in a place relative to others and it becomes hard to seperate I from them. More importantly it is not Necessarily need to a degree. The concept relies on an understanding of I, different from all others, a creation of the self. But this is not an argument for solitude from others. Infact the main focus of this understanding is an introspective, to not so much change our view of others save to accept that they are Individual and not members of others. The Idea of looking at our selves, seperating I from others and also mainting relationship with them is confusing to some. It is merely an argument to say that though we may partake in cirtain activities or be members of particular groups they do not make us, we are made by ourselves. This also means we are in many ways resposible for ourselves and must begin to accept that we cannot be simply led but must hold our own hands some times.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Individual within Society

The views which I have been voicing are views that differ in part to those views of the larger society that we currently live in. This can pose an issue for any who might decide to follow those concepts I proclaim, there is difficulty being and individual in a culture that subcribes so heavily to the devision of people into groups. In this instance it comes down to personal and individual action, it is not the place of the individual to presume that society or others should conform to this view just as society should not presume the indiviual should conform to it. The individual must strive onwards, taking pleasure in what they can, in seeing the best in others and in viewing them as individuals even if it is not a concept they are aware of. Society needs changes, but with out the break of revolution patience must prevail and society will simply have to change one individual at a time.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

A Collective of Individuals

People are unique, biologically as well as Psychologically. We are a collective of individuals. Though many of us may share thoughts and opinions, preferences and relationships we must not be so blind as to assume we are the same. More importantly we must not be so stupid as to assume other people are the same. In this society the focus is on the groups we reside in and our conformity to them, from racial and sexual groups, through nationality to music tastes. But the concept that we are at any time a part of a group is a sordid fallacy. We are never part of a group, group membership is purely a part of us, no more. We are a race of unbelievable diversity and potential but until we accept the diversity of people we cannot reach the potential. we are not mods or rockers, we are not men and women, we are not rich or poor, we are people, we are on race, one species, one tiny speck of dust in the infinite cosmos.

This is not a difficult conept to overcome in itself it is the practicle application of it that is difficult, we are to some extent naturally deisgned to group people in an innate defence, but to overcome nature is not impossible, if anything the human race is proof of that fact. So what do we do with this concept, we destroy our preconceptions of all people and groups and only accept the information we recieve and at all times consider the individual as seperate to the group. We must strive to support the individual and all individuals, to nourish our own individuality, to broaden our horizons in as many ways that we can reach. We must always seek out the beauty of the unique. We are a collective of indiviuals, every one of us an I.

Sunday 31 July 2011

A View To Start With

I have studied numerous social theories to a reasonable degree and I find them lacking. The issue comes to this; they are out dated and no longer appropriate. Now lots of work is done looking at the old greats and tweaking them, taking parts and modernising them or trying to desperately apply them to new technologies or situations. Therefore I feel the time is now when new social theory is need, not reboots of old but ones freshly carved, they may well be heavily influenced by previous theory but they are a foundation not the body. Theories that exist influence many things and as they grow stale so the things they influence slow and become stale. This generation is one of many benefits and these are not benefits we should resent, they are things many of us have come by through toil and they support us, to eschew them is idiocy. Also we must look to a new theory that benefits and unites all people; a revolution is needed but not one of the past. We need not throw down any shackles nor pick up any weapons, we must throw down and prejudices and pick up our pens. This is not about reactionary thinking but striving forward, as a people, a species, a whole collective and most importantly a collective of individuals. We are all the same in our unique nature and this is something to be embraced and encouraged. This is an age of wealth for many, of information and of infinite potential. The future is forever before us, we need only reach out for it.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Loving the enemy: Why we should give Rupert Murdoch a break

One thing that over the last few weeks that has been inescapable is the current crisis for empire Murdoch. How many of us have delighted to see his company stumble in it’s BskyB bid, how we laughed as they announced the death of News Of The World. Oh it has been a good week for us. The illegal actions taken by those at NewsCorps finally seem to be being brought to some justice. Everything seems to be just as it should. But I do have an odd feeling in my gut, a bitter taste in my mouth.  Know now that I in no way support the phone hacking scandal, though I have some issues with celebrities and they concepts of rights to privacy I do honestly believe that they have right to some privacy at least. With the emergence of new evidence that phone hacking was done to the late Milly Dowler and may have caused a delay in her case only infuriates me. The feeling in my stomach and the bitter taste in my mouth is that I know in part the attacks on NewsCorp and its infamous ruler Rupert Murdoch is nothing more than pretentious bullshit.
It seems many people hate Murdoch for one thing, that he is good at what he does, that he is very successful. But why should we. He started out with a newspaper in Australia and has since used his good business knowledge as well as a talent to know what people want to spread his empire far and wide. He owns newspapers and internet domains, programmes and broadcasting companies. He is friends with many people in high places. Yes there’s another thing people may not believe, the reason he meets with lots of important people is probably because they move in the same circles and may well be genuine friends. Obviously some will be crying out in anger at the fact that many of the companies under his enormous wing publish inflammatory news and celebrity gossip as well as general rubbish and right wing propaganda. But unfortunately for those screaming out that would seem to be what is popular, and for someone who owns a company it makes sense to sell what’s popular. Besides the concept that we should only put out high class complicatedly written left sympathising papers is elitist bollocks and nothing more that censorship.
So I implore you to be angry at the hacking scandal to cheer the punishment being rightly levelled, but don’t make a monster where there isn’t one. Rupert Murdoch does not hide under your bed and whisper evils in your ears. He publishes information in a format that pleases a great number of people, don’t like it, don’t buy it.

Thursday 14 July 2011

A Cynical Mood

I am in a fairly bitter and cynical mood today with little reason but it seems to be making me a bit of a bastard in my thoughts at least. I have come across several things today whilst wasting my time on the internet and all ready I feel the desire to publish little links and comments full of spite. But I stop myself and it’s given me a sight in to how much people must lie to each other (as I am sure I’m not the only one).
So many of us claim to be honest people, open with our thoughts and feelings, in many cases it’s just taken as accepted. But I am not particularly honest and I should imagine that was I a bit looser with my thoughts and feelings I would upset, and offend and end up even more bitter and twisted and alone. What would happen if everyone took just one day in which they posted things as they thought them, if they just said what they meant, if they answered every question with a truly honest answer? What would we find out about each other? About ourselves?
Maybe it’s just today’s strange tide of cynicism in me but I think we would find that we are more than we could ever imagine.

Thursday 7 July 2011


Here we go with yet another film review however I am hopeful that this review will lead me to write several posts not so movie centred. The film of which I am writing about is one that I knew little about before being introduced to it and, as far as I am aware, is not a widely known film.

Chloe is an odd and strangely paced film, starting off as a seemingly simple story emulating real life scenarios we are invited into the lives of a well off American family. However there is trouble between the parents (Liam Neeson and Julian Moore). Not turning up for a surprise party due to a missed flight Neeson’s character is not in his wife’s good books and dips further when she finds a suggestive text message from one of his students (he lectures music). The plot then thickens when she decides to test weather he could be tempted by hiring a high class prostitute (Amanda Seyfried) to work her magic at seducing him. She meets several times with the escort who indulges in telling detailed stories of their encounters which end up arousing Moore more than angering her. Eventually Moore and Seyfried end up in a short but well done sex scene that is undeniably erotic. The end of this film isn’t the greatest ever and of some of the twists they are Dallas worthy (don’t worry it wasn’t all a dream)

What is important in this film (as with most films) is not what can be seen, or the basic story (those these are extremely important and can make or brake a film) it is what is said that matters and this movie speaks like a social psychologists with five degrees an over indulgence of pop knowledge and verbal diarrhoea. It comments on love, trust, sex, temptation, struggles of work, marriage, and children, the suspicious nature of people, importance of communication and a good sex life. It covers a lot. In my personal opinion some of the suggested views we should take are at time misleading or not particularly great. However this is definitely a film to watch. It has several levels, and even without them is a well filmed, and extremely well acted erotic thriller. 

Tuesday 28 June 2011


On Sunday night I enjoyed one of the perks of my job and was witness to a film prior to official release. The film in this instance was Transformers: The Dark of the Moon. It was not an experience I wish to repeat with out good reason. There are many numerous reasons behind this.
However let us start with the positives. And though there are many negatives it must be said that there are good points to almost every film including this one. First of all, to the many who will cry out against the decision for him I actually think that Michael Bay was probably the right choice for this and the previous transformers films. He is a modern director comfortable with the use of CGI and with great knowledge in the area and evidently a fan of the action/ adventure style film. To look at this area the CGI is very good and far better than other films currently out even if some of the Decepticon spaceships were stolen from Battlefield: L.A. and the action sequences well done. To go into one specifically I was extremely pleased to see that Optimus Prime was on form and generally kicking ass, especially the one armed axe wielding. Other good things included were Leonard Nemoy’s voice as well as some generally hot vehicles. This is where the good stops.
The bad is beyond bad, the plot has holes in it bigger than a well used hookers. Not to mention being severely over complicated having little continuity with the other films and having a time line that is royally confusing. Add on the fact that the Autobots are apparently the human’s bitches and the annoyingly large air time dedicated to human relationships. There also issues with any fans of the original series with Laserbeak being able to talk. On top of this they have replaced Megan Fox (not necessarily a bad thing) with another actress who can’t act and isn’t even decent eye candy. The beginning is extremely bad, with over use of old footage of the moon landings and terrible actors used to supposedly look like presidents JFK and Nixon made to look even worse next to footage of the real ones. Upon this the film tries to save itself with humour, now there is precedent for humour in action films and often can improve a film, but not in this film, not only because some humour just isn’t funny and more because it is overly used. There were a lot of things wrong with this film that I would happily go into but it would take a lot of time I do not feel like dedicating to it.
However there is one complaint I really feel the need of stressing and it is an all encompassing complaint of all three films. This is not the obvious complaint, yes I am a big fan of the original, but they were always going to change things and I completely understand the reasoning behind making new live action films especially with the technology we can utilise. The issue is this: with all the technology how is it that you take a subject matter of two warring groups of giant transforming robots and making it so bad? Why do you make humans the focus? Why is there so little action? Why are we not focusing on a planet where the only limitation to its scenery is the limitations of what a robotic planet could be? Just why?

Sunday 26 June 2011

Scary Spanish Speakers

It is rare that a film of the horror gender should focus on atmosphere and suspense these days rather than gore and effects. It is hard to blame those involved as to some extent these themes have their own qualities. Often in situations where it appears that there is something lacking in the market those things we long for are in fact right in front of us. I give you two reviews to prove my point. From Spain Los Ojos de Julia and from Uruguay La Casa Muta. 

Lets begin with Los Ojos de Julia, or as you may know it Julia's eyes. this film in Spanish by director Guillem Morales is well shot and filmed in a modern way. It follows many themes and styles of western horror films with some slight but significant differences. It is a well paced film and at all times manages to keep a hold of itself, by which I mean it doesn't spill the beans early or revert to gore. the film follows the title character as she slowly becomes blind hunting for the man who may have been her twin sisters boyfriend and also her killer. Starting with a thunderous storm and the last minutes of her sisters life there is the suggestion of the super natural. As the film progresses intrigue grows and we are led on a chase in which seemingly impossible things happen and we learn about the man nobody sees. With out giving it away the ending nicely ties up the questions we have as well as giving a fitting crescendo to the suspense that has been ladled on. At times the film can seem slow and even to be drifting away from the point of interest, however this is a great example of horror with out need for immense special effects, buckets of gore, or witty high school kids out to solve a mystery. One point of annoyance for myself came at the end with an unnecessary bit of mush but its inclusion is understandable. Diverging from this praise I do find a bone to pick, not with the film itself but with some aspects of it's advertisement. not a fault unique to this film the posters show proudly the dreaded "presented by" a phrase that means someone famous was half involved so their name gets a bigger show in the hope for more income and viewing. In this case the highly talented Guillermo Del Toro's name graces the top of every poster, good that it brings in more viewers, bad as I doubt  many will remember Guillem Morales who proved his own talent with this film.

The silent house (la casa muta) is another Spanish language film but I hails from south American Uruguay. This film breaks from traditional filming and uses a post Blair Witch technical using a single shot. This means we see from the cameras perspective and have no cuts or changes. A challenging thing to do considering how often the film cleverly uses mirrors to give us perspectives of extra areas in which to glimpse or not glimpse the horrors in wait. The story follows a girl and her father who go to help repair an old house a family friend owns. However soon into their stay with the dad drifting off in a chair there are suspicious noises and the girl, scared, begs her father to investigate. Bad stuff happens. The girl, in an attempt to learn more as well as obtain the key needed to escape from the phantasm terrorising her, ventures through the house finding odd hints and clues as to the mysterious unseen figure(s). Escaping she finds the friend on his way back to the house, she is covered in blood and so he drags her back in to investigate further. More bad stuff happens. The ending is a tad confused and unless you are following carefully or a horror film buff who totally guessed the plot in the first five minutes you may find yourself asking WTF. However despite the odd ending there is still a nice handful of suspense with a number of "shit your pants" shocks, one including black birds flying in your face.

As I said before what these films both prove is that effects are no necessity for fear and neither is gallons of blood and piles of body bits. Both have blood, but in the required amounts, and though not always the CGI of Hollywood both use clever effects where necessary. I would also like to enforce that these reviews are the celebration of two well made horror films I greatly enjoyed. It is not an attack on all modern American filming or praise that should encompass all foreign films as undoubtedly there are bad foreign films that simply don't make it to us. It is a pity that there are however many great foreign films that don't get to us, and if they do have limited release. Worse still should they prove successful they are likely to be remade, heaven forbid the mass public be forced to read subtitles or that big production companies should miss out on the money.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

The First

This shall be the first of many insights into my thoughts feelings and opinions as well as comments on my day to day life. I will link and post and recommend and do all I can to entertain.

My Name is Vincent Eric Price. Enjoy.