Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Individual And The Other

If someone is to accept themselves as an individual, as a separate being of their own control, how do they react to others who do not view themselves as such? The answer is simple, in no way differently, it is not the place of the Individual to shun other who is different or to enforce their views, to do such would be hypocrisy. That is not to say they should be afraid to explain their position or to disagree with someone else, merely that an Individual should respect others as Individuals even if they do not consider themselves in the same way. And what of accepted Individuals to one another? Why should that be any different, the truth and heart of this perspective is to perceive all people including the self as an individual. Everyone should be welcomed and seen as a unique person, no judgement may be made until post experience.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Individual and The Self

The Individual, the concept of the self seperate from all other things, is a difficult idea. We live in a world that puts us in a place relative to others and it becomes hard to seperate I from them. More importantly it is not Necessarily need to a degree. The concept relies on an understanding of I, different from all others, a creation of the self. But this is not an argument for solitude from others. Infact the main focus of this understanding is an introspective, to not so much change our view of others save to accept that they are Individual and not members of others. The Idea of looking at our selves, seperating I from others and also mainting relationship with them is confusing to some. It is merely an argument to say that though we may partake in cirtain activities or be members of particular groups they do not make us, we are made by ourselves. This also means we are in many ways resposible for ourselves and must begin to accept that we cannot be simply led but must hold our own hands some times.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Individual within Society

The views which I have been voicing are views that differ in part to those views of the larger society that we currently live in. This can pose an issue for any who might decide to follow those concepts I proclaim, there is difficulty being and individual in a culture that subcribes so heavily to the devision of people into groups. In this instance it comes down to personal and individual action, it is not the place of the individual to presume that society or others should conform to this view just as society should not presume the indiviual should conform to it. The individual must strive onwards, taking pleasure in what they can, in seeing the best in others and in viewing them as individuals even if it is not a concept they are aware of. Society needs changes, but with out the break of revolution patience must prevail and society will simply have to change one individual at a time.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

A Collective of Individuals

People are unique, biologically as well as Psychologically. We are a collective of individuals. Though many of us may share thoughts and opinions, preferences and relationships we must not be so blind as to assume we are the same. More importantly we must not be so stupid as to assume other people are the same. In this society the focus is on the groups we reside in and our conformity to them, from racial and sexual groups, through nationality to music tastes. But the concept that we are at any time a part of a group is a sordid fallacy. We are never part of a group, group membership is purely a part of us, no more. We are a race of unbelievable diversity and potential but until we accept the diversity of people we cannot reach the potential. we are not mods or rockers, we are not men and women, we are not rich or poor, we are people, we are on race, one species, one tiny speck of dust in the infinite cosmos.

This is not a difficult conept to overcome in itself it is the practicle application of it that is difficult, we are to some extent naturally deisgned to group people in an innate defence, but to overcome nature is not impossible, if anything the human race is proof of that fact. So what do we do with this concept, we destroy our preconceptions of all people and groups and only accept the information we recieve and at all times consider the individual as seperate to the group. We must strive to support the individual and all individuals, to nourish our own individuality, to broaden our horizons in as many ways that we can reach. We must always seek out the beauty of the unique. We are a collective of indiviuals, every one of us an I.